TADs (Temporary Anchorage Devices)


Temporary anchorage devices, or TADs, are small titanium anchors used in certain orthodontic cases to help achieve quicker tooth movement with more efficiency and comfort. TADs may be used in addition to braces or as an alternative to headgear.

How are TADS placed?

A local anesthetic is used to numb the area where Dr. Altherr will place the TAD(s). The placement of a TAD is quick, and may be over before you know it… usually a minute or two. While Dr. A is placing the TAD, you may feel slight pressure; after that, the feel of the TAD is usually very similar to a pierced ear with an earring. Your TAD is removed once your treatment is complete, or when it is no longer needed to help straighten your teeth. The removal of a TAD is a comfortable procedure that takes just a few minutes as well.

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